About Me
I live with Rod, my husband of 44 years, in a small market town in Northamptonshire. I have two sons who are both married and four grandsons, and I love spending time with them all.
As you’ve guessed I’m passionate about food and eating well, and my mission continues to be to create exciting new recipes using healthy ingredients. I know that eating this way helps me to feel good, not just physically but mentally and emotionally too which is a great incentive to keep doing what I’m doing.
I love to cook from scratch using lots of vegetables. I’m lucky to have an allotment and a nice kitchen but I don’t like spending hours and hours in either of them. So, as well as being organised by planning ahead, I like to create recipes that are easy to prepare and quick to cook.
I’m excited to be at the heart of this growing interest in nutrition which seems to be exploding at the moment. When I started out in the 1980s, there was very little awareness around and even less information. That’s what led me to write Cooking Without which was one of the first of this genre of healthy eating cookery books.
I’m watching all this happen with bated breath and a sense of positive excitement. The internet is having a huge impact on the way this information is being spread, and people from every generation are starting to take nutrition seriously. My message is still unchanged but, thank goodness, people are now listening.