Young Adults and Mental Illness
There have been so many articles in papers and magazines on mental illness this year with so many reasons cited for its cause but up until recently I haven’t seen any mention
My Store Cupboard Staples
One would expect a cookery author to have cupboards full of unusual ingredients but in my case that’s not true. Whenever I visit a delicatessen type of shop I love to look round
Bees Need Real Food Too.
Our bees are in trouble and I’m sure there’s not just one reason for their declining population. We hear about pesticides, lack of wild flowers because of enormous fields with
Coconut Oil as a Moisturiser
I’ve started using coconut oil or almond oil as a body moisturiser. I do have dry skin so need to use something. For many years I have avoided creams containing sodium lauryl sul
Eating Intuitively
Whenever I go to London I like to go to a large bookstore and see what the latest cookery and nutrition books have to offer. My most recent visit saw me looking at a large selectio
10 Hour Window of Eating
It’s now starting to be thought that it’s healthier to eat meals within a 10 hour window each day rather than spread over a longer period. This form of intermittent fasting is
Meal Replacements
Now that the medical profession are accepting the link between obesity and diabetes some patients are being put on low calorie regimes which consist of meal replacement shakes. Onc
An Empty Fridge
We arrived home from holiday a few weeks ago and I decided I would see if I could manage without going shopping for 24 hours even though the fridge seemed empty. My organic vegetab