Getting back to Creativity
The last 12-18 months have been a difficult time for me as I have spent far too much of it in front of a computer. First there was my latest book to finalise, re-arrange and proofread numerous times followed closely behind by getting my website up and running then straight into social media which I didn’t have a clue about. To most people that would be the most satisfying part, seeing everything coming to fruition and for a lot of people the work I have done on the computer would be child’s play but for me it’s been time consuming and stressful.
I think with each of us it’s important to realise what are the things in life that feed us and what are the things in life that drain our energy and take from us. For me being creative is a necessity. I feel excited now to be able to go back into the kitchen and think through new ideas with no pressure. To let the creativity flow and test new recipes that are buzzing in my head and the sheer joy when they work and I have a new creation. I’m also starting to think about other creative projects such as sewing and making some jewellery. I went to the Georgia O’Keefe exhibition at the Tate Modern last time I was in London and came back inspired to start painting again. So my head is full of exciting projects and I feel happy and fulfilled.
I know from my work as a nutritional therapist that many people’s issues with food also relate to food being used as a love substitute. It would have been easy for me over the past 18 months to have turned to food to fill a hole that being creative normally fills. It’s so easy to put ourselves and our needs last then grab a chocolate bar to help us feel better, whereas, if we can find time for things that feed us on an emotional level, we won’t need to use food as a prop.